NABU Visitor Center, Constance


The NABU is one of the largest and most important organisations to protect and support the wildlife in Germany. This design for the new NABU visitor centre has won the first price in an invited architect’s competition. Located at the shores of Lake Constance, the headquarters combines public functions such as exhibition space, a restaurant and a convention centre.

Designing for an environmental institute means leading by example, therefore all suggested building materials are renewable and sourced locally, including white fir and straw insulation. The building will reach German Passivhaus Standard and the eco-technology will become part of the exhibition.

Architecture: Seifermann as Patalab in collaboration with Bauraum, Constance


Year: 2012

Status: Competition, 1st price

Location: Constance, Germany

Client: Naturschutzbund Deutschland e.V.

RIBA stages: 1 – 6

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